Celebrate Black History Month with WonderGrove! WonderGrove Social Skills is a digital library of over 250 animated stories for grades K-2 covering social skills, life skills, social-emotional learning, school readiness, and more. Teachers and parents can then solidify learning with over 2000 extension lessons covering fluency, math, reading, active learning, lesson plans, and more.

Black History Month Videos

Harriet Tubman: Abolitionist, Union Spy

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: Civil Rights Activist, Minister, Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Malcolm X: Civil Rights Activist, Minister

Jackie Robinson: First African-American Player in MLB

Rosa Parks: Activist, “First Lady of Civil Rights”

Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist, Writer, Orator

Black History Month Printables

Black History Month Biography Bookmarks

Harriet Tubman Mini Book

Harriet Tubman Coloring Page

Harriet Tubman Acrostic Poem Worksheet

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Coloring Page

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Mini Book

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Crossword Puzzle

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Malcolm X Close Reading Passage

Malcolm X Coloring Page

Malcolm X Mini Book

Jackie Robinson Crossword Puzzle

Jackie Robinson Coloring Page

Jackie Robinson Mini Book

Rosa Parks Mini Book

Rosa Parks Word Search

Rosa Parks Coloring Page

Frederick Douglass Coloring Page

Frederick Douglass Word Search