Anger and Impulsivity

Reading to little ones from a very young age is important for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it teaches them empathy.

Babies and toddlers form connections to the characters in the story and begin to see when they feel sad or angry, and they don’t like that! They feel empathy for the character and become happy when the character feels happy. 

One of the most asked questions I have been getting from parents with kids at home right now is “how can I keep them from being so angry?” Well… maybe you can’t. Anger (the emotion) isn’t the problem. It’s most likely the display of anger that’s the problem. This is a trying time for adults, let alone children who are still learning to navigate the world! 

The Habits of Mind animation, Managing Impulsivity, is relatable for controlling impulses that come from emotions both in the classroom and home setting, making it a perfect video to show while emotions are as unpredictable as ever! 

If you are interested in learning more about managing impulsivity, here is a longer blog post for you to check out.

Janelle Vargo was an elementary intervention specialist for over ten years in Dayton, Ohio.  She has been using WonderGrove Social Skills animations and lessons for her students both in the resource room and inclusive classrooms since their creation. She currently works as the Education Director for Wonder Media and as an educational consultant. Janelle has written lessons and articles for private educational companies as well as consulting with companies and school districts looking to make their interventions simple, efficient, and meaningful to children.

She can be contacted at


Introducing Difficult Topics


Transitions: Classroom and Home Tips